MFP-RB is a masterbatch prepared by filling 80% barium sulfate in L-LDPE (plastic).

Features of MFP-RB

  1. Because of high specific gravity, it can be used for adjusting specific gravity.
  2. It has anti-blocking effect. Because of that, when used in films, it improves the opening property. It also improves bag-making performance when the film is made of thin walls.

Examples of Application of MFP-RB

  1. Waterproof sheet (for industrial waste, bottom of pond, etc.)
  2. Fluorescent X-ray sheet
  3. Radiation shielding sheet

Basic Properties of MFP-RB

Specific Gravity Water displacement method 2.44
MFR 190℃-10㎏ g/10min 1
Specific gravity Karl Fischer
ppm 400

* Figures shown here are indicative values and not guaranteed values.

Relation between blending ratio and specific gravity when MFP-RB is added to L-LDPE

Blending ratio L-LDPE 100 80 60 40 20 0
MFP-RB 0 20 40 60 80 100
Specific gravity 0.93 1.23 1.53 1.84 2.14 2.44

* Figures shown here are indicative values and not guaranteed values.

Relation between blending ratio and specific gravity when MFP-RB is added to L-LDPE
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